• Posted On Monday, December 12, 2016 by Evan Lamolinara

    With 2017 right around the corner, many companies are seeking new tools and techniques to optimize their lead generationefforts. While there are some time-tested methods that always work, companies should look towards the future to really get an upper-hand on their competitors. So, what B2B lead generation trends can you expect to see more of in 2017 and beyond?

    User-Generated Content

    We all know the importance of content. It's the driving force behind inbound marketing, encouraging prospects to seek out more information about your company and its respective products or services. But there's no rule stating that you must create all content by hand. On the contrary, there's a growing trend surrounding user-generated content, which is content created by other users. User-generated content consists of social media posts made by followers, blog comments, images uploaded by users, etc.

    Leads: Quality Over Quantity 

    Another B2B lead generation trend to watch in 2017 is quality over quantity. Just a handful of high-quality, laser-targeted leads are worth more than hundreds of low-quality, generic sales leads. In fact, a study conducted by LinkedIn's Technology Marketing Group found 59% of respondents cited high-quality leads as being their top priority for next year.

    Want to learn more about how to acquire better B2B leads? Click Here!

    Interactive Storytelling 

    This isn't a new trend, but it's certainly becoming more popular in the realm of B2B lead generation. Interactive storytelling is essentially a deeper form of marketing that involves telling a story through the use of videos, quizzes/polls, infographics, and other rich media. Studies have shown that prospects respond with a stronger level of engagement when exposed to interactive media, making this an effective way for B2B companies to generate new leads.

    Improved Tracking and Analysis

    Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is paramount when sourcing new B2B leads and turning those leads into paying customers. While many companies already have tracking systems in place for this very purpose, such systems are being fine-tuned to offer greater utility.


    There are some tasks associated with B2B lead generation that must be performed manually. Other tasks, however, can be automated – a trend we'll see more of in 2017 and beyond. If social media is a platform on which you normally generate B2B leads, perhaps you can use a service like HootSuite to automate your postings. This alone can save you lots of time and energy, as it eliminates the need to manually into your social media profile to post new content every day.

    17 Tips to Convert Leads Faster

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