• Posted On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 by Robert Smith


    Industrial reports are an invaluable tool for acquiring more clients without having to make thousands of cold calls. However, they are only beneficial if you actually take action. Here are some tips on how to use each industrial project report to generate new revenue.

    Pick Up the Phone and Start Calling!

    The longer you wait to make contact with prospects listed in your industrial project report, the harder it will be to make convert them into a client. This is why it's a good idea to begin calling prospects as soon as you receive the report. Go through the list and find the projects that are most likely to convert, contacting them first. Obviously, not every prospect is going to purchase from you, but it's a numbers' game in which you call enough targeted prospects you'll find the ones that are looking for the help you can provide. The bottom line is that you need to take actionable approach by picking up the phone and calling prospects.

    Personalize Your Contacts

    You'll notice that each industrial project report contains a enough information about the business and the decision maker's names to be effective at cold calling. Whether you intend to make contact via email or phone, it's recommended that you greet them by name. You should also optimize your script or introduction to fit the specific project you are calling in reference to. Even mentioning the project is going to help eliminate barriers and help build a professional relationship with each lead. 


    As you go through the list of industrial project reports, eliminate any that are simply not interested in your service. If a prospect has canceled their project or chosen a different vendor, for instance, there's no need to continue calling them. Simplify your database, and it will be much easier to manage down the road. 

    Watch the Project Size

    In addition to customizing your script, each Sales Lead also contains the respective company's project size. This is helpful in targeting projects that are suitable for your business. If a project is too small, it may not be worth your time and energy. On the other hand, if a project is too large, you may lack the manpower and/or resources to complete it by the prospect's deadline, in which case it's best to skip it and move on to the next project. The bottom line is that the custom filters on your account will only go so far, but nothing can beat your understanding of what your business can and can not do. Don't waste time chasing opportunities that aren't a fit for you. 



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