• Posted On Wednesday, January 20, 2016 by Robert Smith


    Industrial project reports can be an invaluable tool for growing your business. Having access to accurate and timely industrial market intelligence has helped thousands of businesses find more new clients and keep tabs on the projects that their current clients are planning.

    Each industrial project report provides information on a company that is planning to build new, expand, relocate, or upgrade equipment at one of their commerical facilities. Each report provides the scope and timeframe of the project; as well as the names and contact information of companies that are planning the project.

    The principle behind using Sales Leads' Industrial Project Reports is to help you find more companies that will be actively seeking the equipment and service providers that they need to bring their impending commerical facility project online. But how exactly do you turn an industrial project report into revenue? Here are a few tips: 

    Choosing the Partner

    Don't assume that all commercial construction market data providers are the same. Think about who your target is, what type of information do you need to pursue a lead, and in what phase of the project do you need to recieve the data. If you are typically selling the end-user or the facility occupant, then you need to partner with a company that provides contacts like a plant manager or facility mgr.; not one that provides information on general contractors, sub contractors, or architects.

    Timing and accuracy are other important factors to consider in your evauluation. Ask how the industral project data is gathered, and when. You don't want to work with a company that provides projects that are to late for you to take action on.

    The bottom line is that if you want to build a successful campaign, you should choose a reliable, trusted provider of industrial project reports that specializes in providing the data for your target market. 

    Organize Your Leads

    Seeing a list of hundreds of different industrial leads can be daunting to say the least. Where do you start? Whom do you contact first? Rather than randomly contacting each and every lead on the report, a better approach is to rate the leads based on their likelihood of purchasing your service. If you only provide in-state services, for instance, you should place leads who operate in your respective state at the top of the list. Or if you typically handle small-to-mid-sized industrial projects, you may want to place them at the top of your list and large industrial project leads at the bottom. Prioritizing your industrial reports will help to generate results quicker. 

    Prepare Your Pitch

    After priotizing your new leads, you should prepare your nurturing and lead development strategy. Some industrial B2B service providers use the same pitch for each and every lead. In some cases, this may work. But if you want to maximize your revenue from an industrial project report, you should customize your sales pitchs based on the particular lead. Industrial project reports contain a plethora of information that can be used, such as, what they manufacture, and the size of the project. Using this information, create a custom sales pitch for each lead. This is also a very effecitve tip when used with email as well. Show the prospect that you are an educated sales person, and you have done your homework; it will help you to create instant rapport withthe buyers.

    Start Calling

    Now it's time to put your industrial construction leads to the test. Beginning with leads that you deemed most likely to be a fit purchase, reach out to them via phone; if you don't get them on the first call, send the a quick introduction email... Cold-calling is a numbers' game, and persistence is key. If you are not getting a response initially, don't give up. Sometime it take 6-8 contacts to finally speak with a prospect... Putting in the work to nurture your leads will determine the results of your campaign.  

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