• Posted On Monday, July 25, 2016 by Evan Lamolinara


    Email marketing has proven to be one of the most effective way to generate more sales leads. Studys have shown that the ROI  on email marketing averages around 40:1. If you do not already have an email markeitng strategy, you should begin working on one now. However, if you are looking for way to improve the effectiveness your emial campaigns, read through these quick tips to help generate more leads.

    Make it Mobile-Friendly

    Not every prospect checks his or her email on a desktop computer. In fact, studies show that more people use mobile devices to access the Internet than traditional desktops. So if you're planning to promote your products and/or services via email, make sure your emails are compatible on mobile devices.

    Don't Automate Everything

    There's nothing wrong with using software and/or services to automate certain tasks associated with your email marketing strategy, but this doesn't mean that you should automate everything. Problems may arise when everything from harvesting addresses to sending emails is automated. You may, for instance, send duplicate messages to the same prospect, or you could address a prospect by the wrong name – neither of which are good! There are hundreds of really great tools available to help improve your campaigns, however, the quality of your list and data will really drive results. 

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    Keep it Short 

    Contrary to what some people may believe, long emails don't always yield a higher conversion rate than short emails. In fact, many experts will agree the opposite is true: shorter emails actually yield greater conversions and sales. This is because the average user doesn't want to spend an hour reading a single email, so keeping your messages short increased engagement.

    Include Your Name 

    Rather than including your company's name in your marketing emails, include your actual name. You can still include your company's name, but having your name on the email instills a higher level of trust and confidence in prospects. And when prospects trust you more.

    Clean Up Your List

    Try to get into the habit of cleaning up your email list regularly. This means going through your list of prospects' email addresses and removing any duplicates or bounced addresses; as well as updateing various other insights or company data points that are relevent to your sales and marketing processes. Once you've cleaned up your list, you'll notice improved engagement when analyzing your email campaigns. If you don't have time, or know where to begin with cleaning your existing database of leads, SalesLeads can help you.

    Personalize Your Emails

    We've talked about this before on our blog, but it's worth mentioning again that personalized emails deliver up to 6x more sales than non-personalized emails. Assuming you have the prospect's name, include his or her name in your marketing email. Prospects are more likely to open an email if it's addressed to them, and they are also more likely to buy your product or service. You can personalize emails in other ways as well, such as including the prospect's zip code, city or past order history, and dozens of other insights in the email. 

    17 Tips to Convert Leads Faster

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