• Posted On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 by Robert Smith

    Test Different Call Times 

    The day and time during which you call your leads will directly affect your conversion rate. If you call when the prospect is busy doing other tasks, such as running his or her business, you'll have a difficult time converting the prospect into a qualified lead. So, when is the best day and time to perform sales calls? Unfortunately, there's no easy answer to this question, as it varies depending on a number of different factors. With that said, you can see what works and what doesn't by experimenting with different call times.

    Let the Prospect Do the Talking

    Some sales people have a tendency to do all the talking when speaking to a prospective customer. However, studies have shown that making sales calls a 2-way conversation encourages action and conversions, more so than a 1-way conversation. So, ask the prospect questions so he or she will engage in the conversation; otherwise, you could lose him or her as a potential customer for your office moving business.

    Make it Personal

    Customizing your sales calls so they are tailored to each specific prospect will significantly improve your conversion rate. A prospect will feel more comfortable buying your office moving services if you include subtle details in your pitch like his or her name, their current and future office location, business objective, etc. Do your homework before calling a prospective customer to learn as much about him or her as possible. Using this information, you can customize your sales pitch for a higher conversion rate. Try using SalesLeads' office relocation leads to get the business intelligence that you need.

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    Follow Up

    When a prospect declines your offer, don't count it as a lost sale just yet. Instead, schedule a follow-up call to address his or her concerns. Even if the prospect isn't interested in buying your office moving services right now, he or she may change their mind later down the road. The only way you'll know, however, is by following up with additional calls.

    Use Positive Labels

    When speaking about your office moving company and the services that it provides, use positive labels to reinforce your position as a leading figure. Maybe you've won awards for excellent customer service? Or perhaps you've been in the business of commercial moving services longer than your competitors? Regardless, you should let prospects know these things, as it will encourage them to take action and buy your services.

    17 Tips to Convert Leads Faster

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