• Posted On Monday, September 19, 2016 by Robert Smith


    Regardless of your business's niche or industry, there's no denying the fact that email is an effective marketing platform. But if you're struggling with a high email bounce rate, perhaps you should re-evaluate your database strategy. A high bounce rate will ultimately hinder your ability to generate more sales leads and conversions. So, what steps can you take to lower your email bounce rate?

    Double Opt-ins

    Try to focus your email marketing efforts on double opt-in subscribers. While the CAN-SPAM Act doesn't necessarily require double opt-ins, this is still an effective way to lower bounce rates while subsequently improving conversions. A double opt-in occurs when a subscriber signs up for an email newsletter, and then he or she confirms the subscription. While this may create challanges with database growth, your prospect targeting will be much more focused.

    Want to learn more about the most effective strategies for growing and maintaining your database? Click Here!

    Send Messages to 'Fresh' Subscribers

    While there are always exceptions to this rule, the longer a prospect has been subscribed to a news the greater the risk of a bounce. This is why it's best to send email messages to fresh subscribers who've just recently signed up for your newsletter. Over time, some subscribers will become inactive; thus, resulting in a bounce. By sending email messages as soon as they sign up, you'll reap the benefits of greater engagement and more sales/conversions.

    Test Before Sending

    Are you testing your emails before sending them to subscribers? If not, you should be. Performing an internal test by sending the message to yourself before your subscribers can often reveal problems that would otherwise go unnoticed. And by identifying these problems, you can fix them so it doesn't have a harmful effect on your bounce rate or other key performance indicators (KPIs).

    Delete Recurring Bounces

    Sometimes it's best to delete bounced addresses rather than keeping them in your newsletter rotation. If a subscriber continues to bounce multiple times, go ahead and delete his or her address from your database. Doing so will improve your bounce rates by eliminating this user.

    Email in Regular Intervals

    Many email and digital marketing experts recommend sending messages to subscribers in regular intervals to lower bounce rate. If you haven't sent a message to a prospect in a while, that prospect may essentially forget about your business, which can lead to a bounce. You can stay on prospects' minds, however, by sending emails in regular intervals. Whether it's once every three days or once per week, you need to send emails to your subscribers on a regular basis.

    17 Tips to Convert Leads Faster

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