• Posted On Monday, August 28, 2017 by Robert Smith


    Of all the digital marketing techniques, email consistently ranks as one of the most effective. Perhaps this is why 58% of companies are planning to increase their email expenditure, according to the Email Marketing & Marketing Automation Excellence 2017 report. Whether you're planning to launch a new email campaign or update an existing campaign, however, you should follow the best practices listed below to increase your chances of success.

    Collect Information from Subscribers

    Assuming you harvest your own email leads, you should collect information from the respective subscribers. Rather than just asking for a user's email address, for instance, also ask for his or her name. This way, you can personalize your marketing emails to achieve a higher response.

    Split Test Different Subject Lines

    One of the easiest ways to increase your email open rates is to split test multiple subject lines. Some marketers make the mistake of using a single subject line. But even if that subject line delivers a positive return on your investment (ROI), you can probably optimize it for an even higher ROI by rotating two or more different subject lines. After allowing the messages to run for a given period of time, you can check to see which one has the highest open rate and which one has the lowest, deleting the underperforming subject line and replacing it with a new one.

    Include a Call-to-Action

    Whether you are using email to sell a product, sell a service, generate leads, or simply create a stronger and more recognizable brand, you need to include a call-to-action (CTA) in your messages. The CTA should contain actionable language as well as a clickable link. And like subject lines, it's also recommended that you split test multiple CTAs to see what works and what doesn't.

    Ease Off the Promotional Content

    There's nothing wrong with using email to promote your company's products or services, but that shouldn't be the bulk of your email content. If your emails are strictly promotional and provide little-to-no informational value, recipients may view it as a spam. To prevent this from happening, use a combination of both promotional and non-promotional content in your marketing emails.

    Measure Metrics

    Finally, use an analytics tool to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) of your email marketing campaign. How many people received your email? How many opened it? How many clicked the CTA? These are all things you can learn by measuring metrics. And with this knowledge, you can further optimize your marketing emails.

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