Just because you work for eight hours a day doesn't necessarily mean that all eight hours are productive. As a forklift dealer, however, productivity is a fundamental metric of success. If you aren't productive, you'll exhaust more energy while generating fewer sales leads and sales in return. So, how can you improve your productivity levels?
Keep a database of all prospect and customer information, including their names, purchases, dates, company for whom they work, etc. By organizing this information into a database or CRM, you can search for specific prospects and customers more easily. Furthermore, databases can be integrated with other systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software.
Many forklift dealers are required to conduct meetings, either to discuss their sales and sales funnels, and educate team members about new strategies. While there's nothing wrong with conducting meetings, you should be conscious of how much time they consume. Studies show that meetings are one of the biggest time-wasters in the office. So, to prevent them from having a negative impact on your productivity, set a specific time limit for each meeting.
If you aren't automating certain sales tasks, you'll have to perform those tasks manually, which in turn hurts your productivity. Granted, there are some tasks that you should perform manually, such as following up with customers regarding questions or concerns. Other tasks like email confirmations, however, can and should be automated.
Not all sales leads have the same level of interest in your product or service. Some are more ready to buy than others -- and these are the sales leads whom you should prioritize by targeting first.
How much time do you spend checking your inbox? According to one study, the average worker spends 4.1 hours every day checking his or her email. Even if email is a fundamental tool used in your sales operations, you should limit the amount of time you spend checking it.
If you are unable to reach a prospect or sales lead on the phone, don't be afraid to leave a voicemail. There's a growing debate over whether or not voicemails are an effective sales tactic. Some people believe they are, whereas others view them as a waste of time. Granted, it's better to talk directly to a prospect, but if you can't get him or her on the phone, leaving a voicemail is the next best thing.
To maximize productivity, forklift dealers can call companies that have an identified project, meaning, they need your forklifts, repair service, and maintenance. In our Project Reports, you'll have the opportunity to call the project contact and email him or her for followup. It's the best way to fill the sales funnel fast with quality sales leads that can close quickly. Try it out today.