When calling prospects to sell a B2B product or service, you'll probably encounter voicemail. On average, 80% of all sales calls go to voicemail, with the average response of these voicemail messages being just 4.8%. Hearing statistics such as these can be disheartening as a B2B sales manager. However, there are ways to leave effective B2B voicemail messages and turn these prospects into viable office project opportunities.
Contact Prospects On Their Direct Line
If you know the phone number of a prospect's direct line, obviously, call it. However, if you don’t, and most people cold calling do not, use a reputable database like SalesLeads’ Target Account Intelligence database. The database will include the name, title, direct dial as well as direct email address. Exactly what you need to make highly effective calls. By calling prospects directly, you'll have a greater chance of reaching them. And even if the prospect doesn't answer, leaving a voicemail message on his or her direct line is more effective than leaving a message with the main receptionist.
Keep Voicemail Messages Short & to the Point
Some B2B sales reps assume that long voice messages will deliver their message more effectively than short messages. But you have to remember that most B2B prospects receive multiple voicemail messages each day, they probably don't want to listen to long messages. If they encounter a long voicemail message, they may delete it without listening to it in full. To prevent this from happening, keep your messages under 10 seconds.
Mention Your Name and Number Twice
The two most important things to include in your voicemail messages are your name and phone number. Without this information, the prospect won't be able to return your call. Rather than mentioning your name and number just once, though, mention it twice. You can say your name and number at the beginning of the message and once more at the end. Doing so reinforces this information, encouraging prospects to remember it. It also avoids the prospect from listening to it from the beginning avoiding aggravation or the B2B prospect deleting the message.
A little personalization goes a long way in connecting with prospects and getting them to return your call. If you know the prospect's name, address it in your message. Talking to prospects by name, even if it's in a voicemail message, creates a more personal connection. And when prospects feel a personal connection with you, they'll feel more inclined to call you back and maybe even buy your product or service.
Don't Read from a Script
Although it's probably easier, reading from a script will result in ineffective voicemail message. Even if it's actually you talking, it will sound like a robot -- and no one enjoys receiving these automated calls. When a prospect encounters your scripted voicemail message, he or she may delete it without a second thought. Speak slowly, clearly and from the heart to create stronger, more effective voicemail messages.
How do you do that? It’s easier than you think. Spend a couple of minutes practice reading your script out loud. Let it ‘sound’ like you are having a live conversation. That will give the listener the confidence that you know what you are talking about.
Ready to get started?
Great, to be effective, you need a quality database that contains valid and verified names, direct dials and direct email addresses. With data.com no longer a viable resource, it’s time to try SalesLeads’ Target Account Intelligence database. Our focus is on valid and verified names, titles, direct dials and direct email addresses. Test it out for yourself now.