• Posted On Monday, September 24, 2018 by SalesLeads, Inc.


    Email consistently ranks as one of the most popular marketing channels for staffing companies. In fact, statistics show that nearly six in 10 B2B marketers rank email as the marketing channel that offers the highest return on investment (ROI). Using this digital marketing strategy, you can attract new prospects such as finance & legal offices or healthcare and technology companies, nurture existing prospects, build a stronger and deeper brand and more.

    Unfortunately, many B2B professionals including staffing and recruiting professionals fail to efficiently use email in their marketing strategy. They spend countless hours creating and sending emails, only for it to yield few or no sales in the end. There are ways to streamline your office expansion or relocation email marketing strategy, however, including the methods listed here.

    Share Relevant News About Your Staffing & Recruiting Company

    If you're struggling to come up with content for your marketing emails, consider sharing relevant news about your company. According to HubSpot, more than one-quarter of all B2B newsletter subscribers sign up because they want to receive updates about the company.

    You can email subscribers information about your staffing company's leadership, new services, creative ways you’ve solved staffing issues, upcoming events and other relevant information. It only takes a few minutes to create an email around one of these topics, but doing so encourages prospects to subscribe -- and stay subscribed -- to your newsletter.

    Need help building a precise list of prospects in finance, legal, healthcare, technology or want to penetrate a new industry? We can help.

    Include Social Media Sharing Buttons

    Don't forget to include social media sharing buttons in your emails. With more than three-quarters of the U.S. adult population using social media networking sites, there's a good chance that your company's audience is probably using them as well. You can use this to your advantage by including social media sharing buttons in your emails. After reading one of your emails, a recipient can easily share it on his or her Facebook profile, Twitter account or other social media accounts by clicking the embedded sharing button. For more information on how to include social media sharing buttons in your recruiting emails, check out this article by Constant Contact.

    Track Your Recruiting Emails

    One of the most important things that you can do to streamline your B2B email marketing strategy is to track your emails. If you don't know how many recruiting emails you've sent or whom you've sent them to, you won't be able to create an efficient email marketing campaign. Rather, you may end up sending the same email to the same prospect twice. Not only does this discourage prospects from engaging with your company, but it also increases the risk that your email is marked as spam. Use either a standalone email marketing service or a customer relationship management (CRM) to track your company's emails.

    Automate Confirmation Emails

    Some staffing companies are hesitant to automate their email marketing campaigns, believing that manually creating and sending emails yields better results. In some cases, this is true. In others, however, automating emails works just as well but without consuming a significant amount of time and resources.

    You can automate confirmation emails, for example. When a healthcare facility, for example, completes a lead form on your staffing company's website, you can use email or CRM software to automatically create and send him or her a confirmation email. Confirmation emails such as this can be used for a wide variety of purposes. In addition to lead form confirmations, you can also use them to confirm actual purchases. Prospects and customers often prefer automated confirmation emails because they are sent immediately after the triggered even (e.g. lead form completion or online purchase), and they are less likely to contain typos or errors.

    Repurpose Content for Email Marketing

    In addition to news about your staffing company, you can also create marketing emails using content from your staffing website. Your official company website is a valuable source of content. Assuming it contains helpful, informative articles that prospects want to read, try repurposing this content for your email marketing. You can either copy it in full or copy and modify it to create content for your emails. It's a quick, easy and effective way to improve the value of your email newsletter.

    Make the most of your targeted email by sending it to new prospects that have an identified project. New projects such as office expansion, relocations and renovations can include the need for new talent or additional staffing. How can you find out? Right here…

    Limit Time Spent Checking Emails

    How much time do you spend checking your inbox in a typical day? According to Forbes, the average office worker spends two and a half hours each day checking his or her email account. There's nothing wrong with checking to see if a prospect has replied back to your original email, but you should avoid spending too much time doing so. If you spend multiple hours checking your email, you won't have time to perform other tasks that are essential to your staffing company's success.

    Use a Mobile-Friendly Template

    When creating marketing emails, use a mobile-friendly template. If it's not mobile friendly, users on smartphones and tablets may encounter errors like hard-to-read text and misplaced images. You can overcome this problem by using a mobile-friendly template, such as a responsive template, that changes automatically to create a positive experience for recipients.

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