• Posted On Thursday, July 05, 2018 by Salesleads, Inc.


    One of the great things about B2B sales is that there's always room for improvement. Regardless of how many products or services you sell per month -- and the total value of those sales – there’s always more commercial construction projects waiting to be found. All it takes is exploring and using the right combination sales channel in your company's strategy. So, if you're looking to uncover additional commercial construction leads, consider the following B2B sales growth strategies.

    Go Beyond Selling

    Some sales reps focus their efforts strictly on selling, believing it will yield the best results. While the primary job of a sales rep is to sell his or her company's product or service, it's important that you foster strong, lasting relationships with clients and prospects. Rather than strictly trying to sell a product or service, focus on building relationships with clients and prospects. Doing so will increase the chances of that individual making a purchase, thereby complimenting your sales efforts.

    Use Salesleads’ Target Account Intelligence to help you find additional contacts to build relationships. It always helps to share contact names to a new person inside the organization, as it builds faster relationships for faster sales.

    Know Your Audience

    You can't expect to sell a product or service unless you know to whom you are selling it. By researching a prospect's company online, you'll gain invaluable insight into their needs and concerns. With this information, you create custom marketing messages that resonate with your audience.

    A great way to uncover information is to use Salesleads’ Target Account Intelligence. It will give you some great insights into the company as well as key contacts.

    Use Google Alerts

    Are you using Google Alerts in your sales strategy? If not, you should. Offered by the search engine giant of its namesake, this free-to-use tool allows you to receive notifications whenever your specified keyword is mentioned online. Using Google Alerts, you can receive notifications when a prospect's company published a press release, allowing you to create timely sales communications and increase your chances of converting that prospect into a customer.

    Sell the Value

    When communicating with prospects, try to sell the value of your company's product or service. Basically, this means you should convey how the product or service will benefit the prospect's company. Rather than reading a list of your product's features, for example, explain how that product can help the prospect's company achieve better success.

    Create and Use a Sales Funnel

    Finally, creating and using a sales funnel is a powerful growth strategy that can help you move sales leads quicker through the sales funnel. Now you’ll know where each opportunity resides: top – middle – bottom. As you find new opportunities and put them in at the top of the funnel, you’ll be able to nurture them through to the bottom of the funnel where the actual closing of the sale occurs.

    How can you place more opportunities into the sales funnel in record time? Make better calls with our office moving leads, office relation leads or other business projects. These are current office projects that are ready for you to evaluate as to how you can help the prospect solve their problem. You get some information on the project, project contact names, titles, direct phone and email.

    Try it out! We’ll give you a few free samples to call and evaluate. We know you’ll appreciate the quality of information. Sign up now to get your free samples.

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