• Posted On Thursday, September 27, 2018 by SalesLeads, Inc.


    Your packaging equipment company’s success is dependent on its ability to deliver a high-quality product or service. If your target audience doesn't believe that it's worth the cost, they won't buy it. This is why it's important to constantly show and deliver your engineering firm’s benefits, or end result for your product or service. But first, you'll need to gain firsthand insight into your product or service, which is where customer feedback comes into play.

    The Basics of Customer Feedback

    Customer feedback is a customer's honest opinion regarding a specific product or service that they purchased. Some feedback is related to a specific aspect of the product or service -- price, performance, design, customer service, etc. -- while other feedback is more general. Nonetheless, they all provide insight how customers perceive your product or service. This information can help you make the necessary changes to resolve problems and improve the quality of your packaging equipment.

    Send a Post-Purchase Satisfaction Survey Email

    One of the easiest ways to acquire customer feedback is to send customers a satisfaction survey after they make a packaging equipment purchase. Even if it's nothing more than "Rate your experience from 1 to 10," surveys such as this are perfect for acquiring customer feedback. You can even use email software to automate their delivery. This will help you manage any negative feedback about your packaging equipment as well as track any new reviews posted on the Internet. However, you should wait an appropriate length of time to send them. A customer can't provide his or her honest opinion on a product or service if they just purchased it five minutes ago. Depending on what you are selling, you may want to wait at least a week from customer's date of purchase or implementation to send them a satisfaction survey email.

    Add a Review Feature to Website

    Of course, adding a review feature to your packaging equipment company's website is always an option. If you have the resources available, you can design a custom system into your website that allows customers to share their opinions on products or services. And for WordPress, there are plugins that can integrate a review feature into your site.

    Enable Facebook Reviews

    Alternatively, if your packaging equipment company has a Facebook Page or a LinkedIn Company page, you can enable customer reviews on it. Keep in mind that these reviews are generalized to your packaging equipment business and not related to a specific product or service. It's still a great way to gain feedback from your target audience, though. You can check your Facebook or LinkedIn Page periodically to see what people are saying about your company. Most importantly, you can respond to their feedback, allowing you to resolve issues or simply say thanks. Click here for steps on how to enable customer reviews on your company's Facebook Page.

    Now for the obvious question… How can I get more customers so I can get more reviews? Packaging equipment companies utilize various marketing resources to generate leads. Although these are great resources, that can take lots of time to uncover a potential lead.

    SalesLeads helps to cut down the time it takes to find projects with our Industrial Project Reports. It saves you time because we do all of the work and research. You get identified projects with the right contact name, title, phone and email address. Now you can work on selling your packaging equipment. Get a few Industrial Project Reports to sample. They are recently identified projects, so worth the time to call.

     Once you’ve implemented your packaging equipment with the quality and success your customer expects, now you can ask them to write an online review.

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