• Posted On Thursday, January 17, 2019 by SalesLeads, Inc.


    Creating personalized emails for your accounting firm's sales strategy takes time. You must first research the recipient, after which you can include meaningful and relevant information in your emails to which he or she can relate. Unless you've used personalized emails before, though, you might be wondering if they are really worth it. As a sales rep, you probably have countless other tasks to perform in your day-to-day operations, such as sourcing new leads and nurturing existing leads through the sales process. But personalized emails can pay off in several ways, some of which are revealed below.

    Higher Response Rate

    You'll generate a higher response rate with personalized emails than generic emails. According to a study conducted by SalesLoft, emails that are just 20% personalized have double the response rate of generic emails. If your company's generic emails generate a 5% response rate, for example, using personalized emails may generate a 10% response rate. Users are more likely to respond to your accounting firm's emails if they contain information or content that's relevant to them, such as the user's name, company, past correspondences, etc.

    Higher Conversion Rate

    Of course, personalized emails also generate a higher conversion rate than generic emails. One report found that the average conversion rate of personalized B2B emails was six times higher than that of generic emails. With a higher conversion rate, you'll sell more accounting products or services in less time and using less energy.

    Higher Open Rate

    You can expect a higher open rate by personalizing your accounting firm’s emails. According to Experian, the open rate of personalized emails is 26% higher than that of generic emails. When creating emails, try to include personalized information in the subject line so that prospective buyers will see it before opening the email. If a prospective buyer sees his or her name in the subject line, they'll feel more inclined to open the email, thus boosting your open rate.

    Higher Customer Satisfaction

    Personalized emails can even promote increased customer satisfaction. According to Business2Community, nearly three-quarters of buyers say generic content is "frustrating." And not surprisingly, frustrated users are less likely to make a purchase. If you're hoping to generate new customers using email, invest the necessary time and resources to personalize those emails.

    In order to make personalization work for your accounting firm, you need to identify prospects, and have new one’s on the way. There are two ways you can accomplish the task with result:

    Project Reports by SalesLeads. When a business is expanding, moving, building a new facility for example, these are critical indicators that their business may need an accounting firm like yours to take them to the next level. The trick is how to find those type of projects.

    SalesLeads Project Reports will give you all you need to begin the process. Our researchers know where the projects are at. We let you know right away so you can contact the company with the contact name, phone and email address. The best part is the accompanying information. We’ll share with you a bit about the project so you can plan your call to the prospect to ensure you get an appointment.

    Customized Database by SalesLeads. There are a million list providers out there, but when you start using the list… On average, list purchasers have reported 20% ‘bad information’. When you calculate the cost of 20%, that’s money wasted.

    SalesLeads custom database is built with the target customer in mind. We’ll discuss who your perfect customer(s) are, and we’ll develop a profile around who you want to sell. When we go to work, we’ll verify all the organizations and contact information so you can make every call and contact count.


    The bottom line is that all service firms, especially accounting firms should use personalized emails and SalesLeads in their marketing and sales strategy.

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