• Posted On Wednesday, July 03, 2019 by Evan Lamolinara


    Video marketing has become one of the leading strategies for generating B2B sales leads. According to Blue Corona, seven in 10 B2B buyers watch videos during their purchasing journey, and 73% of B2B companies say video drives a positive return on investment (ROI). While you should still use other tactics to generate leads for your B2B company, including online and offline methods, you shouldn't overlook the value of video marketing. Here you'll find nine tips on how to generate more sales leads using video marketing.

    #1) Set Goals and Objectives

    Be sure to set goals and objectives for each of your B2B company's videos. Without goals and objectives, how will you know if a particular video works?

    Here are a 3 video ideas to get you started.

    • Video case study: this will tell your sales lead why they purchased your product or service, how they used it and the result
    • Video how to: (see below) these are great especially if they need to better understand how to use your product. These don't need to be long, just long enough for them to learn how to use it. The benefit? You nor your customer service department will need to field phone calls with questions.
    • Customer testimonial video: Let your sales leads know how much they appreciate your product and service. Let your customer talk about their experience. That'll go a long way with the sales lead.

    To measure the success of your video marketing efforts, you must set goals and objectives. Maybe you want to attract 10 new leads per month, or perhaps you want to reach sales leads in a new market. Regardless, you should set specific and attainable goals and objectives for each of your B2B company's videos.

    #2) Capture Viewers' Attention In 8 Seconds or Less

    Statistics show the average person's attention span is now just eight seconds. As a result, many users will stop watching a video if the video fails to capture their attention within this time frame. To keep users engaged and entice them to watch most or all of your videos, get to the point of what the sales lead will see if they continue to watch the video.

    #3) Use Visuals to Convey Information

    Don't assume that all users who watch your B2B company's videos will have their computer's or device's sound turned on. According to Facebook, over four in five videos watched on the social media network are viewed without sound. As a result, you should use visuals to convey key information in your B2B company's videos rather than relying on sound. You know the saying, "seeing is believing", now's your chance to show the sales lead what you can do.

    #4) Perform SEO

    You'll generate more leads from your video marketing efforts by performing search engine optimization (SEO). How do you perform SEO on a video exactly? It varies depending on the specific platform, but for YouTube, SEO involves using a relevant title, adding relevant tags, creating a long description and encouraging users to watch your videos for a longer length of time.

    #5) Educate With Explainer and How-To Videos

    There are over a dozen types of videos you can use to attract B2B sales leads, but two of the most effective include explainer and how-to videos. An explainer video, as the name suggests, explains a specific topic to viewers, whereas a how-to video shows viewers how to do something. Both types of videos can educate prospective buyers about your B2B company and what it offers, thereby encouraging prospects to contact your company.

    #6) Share on Multiple Platforms

    Remember to share your B2B company's videos on multiple platforms. With over 2 billion users logging in to each month, YouTube is the largest and most popular platform for watching videos. But that doesn't mean you should only share videos on YouTube. You'll attract more leads by sharing your B2B company's videos on multiple platforms, including your B2B company's website, Twitter profile, LinkedIn Page, Vimeo and more. Just remember to monitor the performance of your videos on each platform to determine which ones yield the best results.

    #7) Consider Paid Advertising

    While SEO alone can drive traffic to your B2B company's videos, and therefore generate leads, you'll achieve greater success by investing in paid advertising. Using Google Ads, for example, you can create video ads featuring your B2B company's lead-generation videos. These videos can appear on YouTube as well as other Google-affiliated websites and web services. Best of all, you can target specific audiences with video ads, allowing you to generate more leads from your efforts.

    #8) Quality Over Quantity

    It's not the number of videos you produce that matters most. It's the quality of your videos. Just a few well-made, engaging videos will generate far more leads than dozens or even hundreds of poorly-made, low-quality videos. Therefore, you shouldn't rush the video creation process. You can hire or do the video yourself. A well made video is great, but the sales lead may not believe it's authentic. If you do it yourself, be sure you do it with a keen eye for quality.

    #9) Include a CTA

    Add a call to action (CTA) somewhere -- either within the video itself or below the video -- to each of your B2B company's videos. CTAs are essential for lead-generation videos, as well as other conversion-focused videos, because they tell viewers the next step to take. By placing a CTA somewhere in or around your videos, viewers are more likely to reach out and connect with your B2B company, which usually means more leads.

    Now you're ready to do one more thing. Send it out via email to your customers, prospects and new sales leads. This is a perfect time to get Project Reports by SalesLeads. These Projects Reports are identified projects that are ready to be sold. You'll get vital information such as where they are at in the process of their expansion, relocation or building a new facility. The video will be a great part of educating the sales lead on bringing them further and faster down the sales cycle. Take a look at some of the Project Reports for your industry out in the system right now. We'll give you a few industry specific samples to try as well. 

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