What percentage of your moving company's sales come from mobile users? With mobile device usage on the rise -- about 96% of Americans own some type of cellphone, according to a Pew Research Center Survey -- you can't ignore this audience in your moving company's sales efforts. When promoting your moving company's products or services on digital channels, strive to reach more mobile or cell phone users. Doing so will allow you to tap into this ever-growing audience, resulting in higher sales leads. In this post, we're going to reveal several effective marketing strategies to reach more mobile users.
Launch a Mobile App
It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that launching a mobile app can help your moving company reach more mobile users. In 2018 alone, approximately 194 billion mobile apps were downloaded -- a number that's expected to increase in 2019 and the years to follow. You can take advantage of this trend by creating and marketing an app for your moving company. Whether it's for Android or iOS, a mobile app will place your company's name in front of millions of mobile users, some of whom may proceed to contact your moving company for more information about its products or services.
Design a Mobile-Friendly Website
If you haven't done so, this is a must. Another way to reach more mobile users is to design a mobile-friendly website or also called responsive website for your moving company. What is a mobile-friendly website exactly? As the name suggests, mobile-friendly websites are designed to function properly on mobile devices. Even if your moving company's website loads and functions properly when viewed on a desktop computer, it may experience usability problems when viewed on a smartphone or tablet.
To design a mobile-friendly website for your moving company, consider using a responsive framework. It consists of proportion-based units of measurement that adjust automatically depending on the user's device. On desktop computers, a responsive framework will expand your moving company's website so that it fills the user's web browser. On mobile devices, it will scale down your moving company's website to provide a similar high-quality viewing experience. You can check to see whether your moving company's website is mobile friendly by running it through Google's online testing tool here.
Communicate With Prospective Customers Using Email
Both desktop and mobile users read emails. Statistics show, however, that mobile users are three times more likely to check their email than desktop users. As a result, use email to communicate with prospective customers, especially if you're trying to reach more mobile users.
If you collect sales leads using an online form, for example, be sure to include a field for the user's email address. When the user provides you with an email address, you can send him or her emails to promote your moving company and its products or services.
Strengthen Your Social Media Presence
Don't forget to use social media in your moving company's mobile outreach strategy. According to Statista, 61% of Americans access social media on a mobile device. All of the internet's leading social media networks have standalone apps for Android and iOS. These apps allow mobile users to browse the respective social media network and engage in discussions with their friends, family and other businesses. By regularly publishing content on your moving company's social media profiles, these mobile users are more likely to discover and follow your moving company, resulting in more sales leads and ultimately, sales.
Create Explainer Videos Showcasing Products or Services
Video has become an increasingly popular content format among mobile users. In the past, mobile users rarely if ever watched videos. Slow mobile connections resulted in the poor playback of videos when viewed on a mobile device. Now that mobile devices and connections are faster, though, this isn't a problem. By creating explainer videos that showcase your moving company's products or services, you'll reach more mobile users -- all while educating your relocating company's audience about what, exactly, you sell or offer.
Call Identified Projects that are Relocating
Buying sales leads is also an option, however, remember that not all sales lead generating companies are the same. SalesLeads focuses on identifying projects where office industry companies are relocating, expanding or renovating their company. You'll receive notes on the project along with the contact names, titles, email address and direct dials. These identified projects are the fastest way to filling your funnel with quality sales leads.
Use Paid Ads or GeoFencing to Target Mobile Users
Assuming your moving company has the budget for it, paid ads can help you reach more mobile users. Many advertising services, including Google Ads and Facebook Ads, support mobile targeting. In other words, you can elect to show your ads only to mobile users. So, how much do these mobile-focused paid advertising services cost exactly? Costs vary depending on a number of factors, but most services use a pay-per-click (PPC) model in which you are charged for each ad click.
Geofencing allows you to capture and use custom advertising for those coming within a particular vicinity. This give you personalized mobile advertising for your moving company.