• Posted On Thursday, January 23, 2020 by Evan Lamolinara


    A new critical feature has been added to the SalesLeads Platform. Here’s a quick Q & A with president, Evan Lamolinara on what you can expect.

    Q: What is OppAlerts?

    A: OppAlerts is a fast way to identify specific industrial business opportunities on the SalesLeads Platform.

    Q: Can you give me an example?

    A: Let’s say you’re in the conveyor business. You only want to focus on the Project Reports that are interested in purchasing conveyors. There are 2 ways you can quickly drill down.

    1. The fastest way is to click on the drop down box for “Opp Alerts”. (see top red arrow) Choose your area of interest and click on “Display Projects” in the green box.

    2. You can also look at the bottom of the Project Report. (see large red box & arrow) It will list all of the business opportunities the prospect is or will be searching for. This provides valuable insights for that individual company.

    Q: If I call the contact names provided on the Project Report, will they be able to help me?

    A: For each project report we provide several project contacts at either the local plant level or HQ level.You can use the contact name’s direct phone number or the direct email address to begin the sales process.

    Q: Is the Project Description at the top of the Project Report going away?

    A: No. Users of the SalesLeads Platform find the project description valuable to get an overall understanding of the company, what they want to accomplish and timing of the collective projects. It continues to provide valuable context for our clients.

    Q: When can users expect to use the OppAlert?

    A: Now! It’s currently live and being used by our clients.

    View the benefits of OppAlert by opening a free account. You’ll be able to experience for yourself the various ways to sort, view, save & export your sales leads.

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