• Posted On Wednesday, December 02, 2020 by Evan Lamolinara

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    Virtual B2B sales meetings have become more common in recent months. Research shows that since the beginning of 2020, the number of sales reps who hold virtual meetings with prospects has more than doubled. Rather than meeting with prospects in person, they connect with prospects virtually over the internet. Virtual sales meetings such as this offer an easy, convenient and safe way for sales reps to interact with prospects while simultaneously pitching their products or services.

    Because they are held over the internet, though, virtual B2B sales meetings require a different approach than conventional face-to-face meetings. You can't expect to convince a prospect to make a purchase during a virtual B2B sales meeting unless you prepare ahead of time. How can you improve your virtual B2B sales meetings exactly?

    Choose the Right Software

    All virtual B2B sales meetings require the use of software. Virtual meeting software, also known as virtual conferencing software, allows you to communicate with other prospects via voice and video over the internet. Assuming you use a computer with a video camera, prospects will see you, and you'll see them if they have a video camera as well. With that said, not all types of virtual meeting software is the same. They can vary in price, features, reliability and more. Nonetheless, you can't go wrong when using any of the following types of virtual meeting software, all of which are ranked as the most popular among B2B sales reps.

    Some of the most popular types of virtual meeting software include the following:

    • Zoom
    • GoToMeeting
    • Google Hangouts
    • RingCentral Meetings
    • Skype

    Prepare Your Meeting Space

    You should prepare your meeting space to ensure it's set up properly. Among other things, you should use a generic backdrop so that prospects will focus on you during the virtual B2B sales meeting rather than your surrounding space. An undecorated wall, for instance, works well as a background. Since it doesn't contain any decorations or other visual elements, it won't distract prospects. Prospects will focus their attention on you during the virtual B2B sales meeting, allowing you to

    Rehearse Your Pitch

    It's a good idea to rehearse your pitch before conducting a virtual B2B sales meeting. Depending on the software you use, you may be able to record yourself. Just pretend like you are talking to a prospect while trying to convince him or her to make a purchase.

    It may feel awkward, but recording yourself will provide insight into your virtual sales abilities from the prospect's perspective. Maybe you aren't talking loud enough, or perhaps you have a weak value proposition. Regardless, recording yourself during a rehearsal can help you identify problems that would otherwise hinder your efforts to land buyers during virtual B2B sales meetings. You can then fix these problems before an actual virtual sales meeting with a prospect.

    Schedule a Date and Time

    You'll need to schedule a date and time for a virtual B2B sales meeting. After identifying a prospective buyer, contact him or her. During this initial contact, you can gather more information about the prospect's needs and whether he or she is a suitable target for your sales efforts. If the prospect is a good match, go ahead and schedule a date and time for a virtual sales meeting. Simply ask the prospect when he or she is available to further discuss the product or service. Once you've agreed to a date and time, set a reminder so that you don't forget it.

    Keep in mind that prospective buyers will typically need to use the same virtual meeting software that you use. If you use Zoom, for example, the prospect will need to use Zoom as well. Therefore, you should send the prospects a simple list of instructions on how to install and set up the same virtual meeting software.

    Dress Professionally

    Don't forget to dress professionally when preparing for a virtual B2B sales meeting. Some sales reps wear casual outfits during virtual B2B sales meetings, believing that professional attire is only needed for face-to-face meetings. While virtual B2B sales meetings are conducted over the internet, you should still dress professionally for them.

    Dressing professionally shows prospects that you are serious. It sends the signal that you care about your job, as well as your relationships with prospects, to dress up for the virtual B2B sales meeting. You don't have to necessarily wear a suit, but you should dress professionally in a button-up dress shirt and similar business-casual attire.

    Use a Conversational Tone

    It's recommended that you use a conversational tone when talking to prospects during a virtual B2B sales meeting. Effective sales meetings are all about creating a connection with prospects. By speaking in a conversational tone, prospects are more likely to relate to you. And when they relate to you, you'll create a connection with prospects that increases your chance of landing them as buyers.

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