What scoring method does your B2B company use for its industrial sales leads? An effective lead scoring strategy will help you distinguish between low-quality and high-quality sales leads. Whether you have 100 or 10,000 sales leads, you can sort them by their score. You can then prioritize the top-ranked sales leads with the highest scores. To effectively score industrial sales leads, though, you should consider the five following tips.
#1) Analyze Multiple Factors
When scoring industrial sales leads, you should analyze multiple factors. A factor is a specific attribute of a sales lead. Job title, for instance, is a common factor for industrial sales lead scoring. Other factors include geographic location, business industry and engagement. To score an industrial sales lead, you'll need to analyze factors to such as these.
#2) Assign Numbers to Factors
While there's no universal method for scoring industrial sales leads, it's typically best to use a numbered score. You can score industrial sales leads by assigning numbers to their respective factors. Don't just give each industrial sales lead a single number. Rather, assign a number for each factor. Many B2B companies use a one to 10 numbering system. As you analyze the factors, you can assign each of them a number of one to 10 based on their quality.
#3) Don't Overdo It
A common mistake B2B companies make when scoring their industrial sales leads is using too many factors. While you should analyze multiple factors when scoring industrial sales leads, you shouldn't overdo it. The more factors you analyze, the more time and resources it will take to score your B2B company's industrial sales leads. You'll have an easier time scoring industrial sales leads by focusing on just a half-dozen or so relevant factors.
#4) Calculate Total Scores
Another tip is to calculate the total scores of your industrial sales leads. If you analyze six factors, for instance, each industrial sales lead should have six numbers. Adding up all six numbers will result in a total, aggregate score. This total score will provide insight into the quality of a sales lead. You can still look at the individual factors, but calculating total scores will provide an overview of the quality of your B2B company's industrial sales leads.
#5) Prioritize Based on Score
Scoring your B2B company's industrial sales leads is only worthwhile if you use them. Prioritizing them based on their score will allow you to take full advantage of them. In other words, sort your B2B company's industrial sales leads by their total score. When sorting by total score, you can see which industrial sales leads are the highest quality so that you can target them before the lower-scored, lower-quality industrial leads.
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