• Posted On Thursday, August 29, 2024 by Vince Antoine


    One of the key strategies to successfully closing a deal in industrial sales is the use of trial close techniques. This method allows sales professionals to gauge the interest and readiness of potential customers before making the final ask.

    What is a Trial Close?

    A trial close is an alternate method that sales professionals use to decide if the customers are ready to buy. A traditional approach depends on asking a customer to decide on the purchase, trial close asks them to share a perspective on the offering, which in turn allows you to address their needs. It determines the likelihood of the buyer purchasing.

    How Does Trial Close Work?

    When using trial close techniques, sales professionals can ask questions such as:

    • Is there anything missing that you need?
    • How does that sound to you?
    • Based on what you heard, do you have any questions?

    Asking for a hard close might sound like:

    • Are you ready to get started?
    • I need a 50% deposit now and we can get started right away!
    • We have 2 products left. Would you like to buy one now?

    The Benefits of Trial Close

    1. Uncovers Objections: Trial close questions can help uncover any objections or concerns the customer may have. This allows the salesperson to address these issues and provide solutions, increasing the chances of closing the deal.
    2. Shows Empathy: By asking open-ended questions and actively listening to the customer's responses, sales professionals can demonstrate empathy and show that they truly care about meeting the customer's needs. When customers feel they can open up and share their opinion, it’s easier to build a trusting relationship.
    3. Determine a sales timeline: trial closing allows salespeople to reflect on their location in the sales process. You can use body language (ex. Nodding their head actively, smiling, positive statements, and eagerly listening) to gauge exactly what your next move might be. 
    4. Asking open ended questions: After determining the behavior of the prospect, you then need to decide which questions will gauge their interests in a final purchase. For example, you might ask:

    a.                   Do you see how this can help?

    b.                   Do you have any questions?

    c.                   How does what we’ve discussed sound?

    d.                   What do you see as the next step in the process?

    Next Steps to Trial Closing

    The first step to trial closing is to look beyond traditional sales methods. Just keep asking good questions and understand the customer’s needs. You will master trial closing in no time. List actively and take an interest in what the prospect is saying. Follow the prospect’s lead! 

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